hey helloooo, gudmorning. now 09:37AM.
i'll try to giving a little. i have a new place to work, to enjoy the time at 8.00 till 5.00. maybe enjoy maybe not. the sweetest goodbye as maroon five song :)) i have a memory about the first place when i believe i can fly :p , up and down everyday.
memory about a kindness and goodness, optimist, maximal, patience, passion, submission. in last minute, i havent a sad feeling, in my mind >> the jingle
"ya..ya..kita kan terus berlari
ya..ya..tak kan berhenti di sini".
after left 9th floor, >thinking<, i've been sad since writing a resigned letter in indonesian language :'(
i wish, i'll meet some people like you all.you're very inspiring me.
and the new, i should to learn 'bout AS400 for core banking,for my daily at Bank Bukopin, and i don't understand,at all. and i wish i can sing the jingle :)
"tak ada yang tak mungkin’
bila kita yakin
pastilah engkau dapati"
harus yakin ^^
BalasHapuswaah kantor baru :)
BalasHapussemangat cil, pasti bisa..
BalasHapusgaji pertama ntar traktir yah :) xixixi
Kerjaan baru, semangat baru... Cayo!
BalasHapustraktir dobel ciL farewell + 1st salary..cihuuyyy :p
BalasHapusterima kasih inge :)
BalasHapusterima kasih mel :D
indri > waduuh , kabuuur ahh :p
ibunyachusaeri makasih yah
depon > wahahahaha, ngga mau ah :))
yg baru biasany bikin semangat