This is ando. ando >> my neighbour. but now living in palembang.
ando smiley, calm, kind. .
we can learn anything from all, around of us
a child, they are always love life, always smile, always playin'
sometimes they're cry, sometimes runaway. .
cried when they didn't a balloon , of course :)
but if they're get something new, most interesting than balloon
they're easy to do it.
simple word:
not sinking in the past :))
the future is in you. enjoy the show
ando smiley, calm, kind. .
we can learn anything from all, around of us
a child, they are always love life, always smile, always playin'
sometimes they're cry, sometimes runaway. .
cried when they didn't a balloon , of course :)
but if they're get something new, most interesting than balloon
they're easy to do it.

not sinking in the past :))
the future is in you. enjoy the show
wah...lucunya. boleh diculik nggak ?
Terima kasih sudah jalan-jalan kerumah saya, salam kenal. Duh,imutnya jadi pengen nowel pipinya. Nangis gak yach?
BalasHapuslina >> jangan diculik dong :D
BalasHapusajeng >> sama sama..
boleh,kalo nowel doank :)
eh, mukanya ando lucu ya..
BalasHapusberapa taon umurnya?
pohon>>mukanya gemesin :) waktu di foto itu sekitar 7-8 bulan tapi skarang udah setahun si ando...
BalasHapusimut banget.....
BalasHapushihihi yang dipakein kacamata ngegemesin